Frequently Asked Questions
Our highest priority is providing your child with a safe environment when they come to church. All children are required to be checked in by a parent or guardian. Upon arrival, you will be greeted by a New Life Kids Team Member. They will direct you to our first-time guest counter where your family will receive some fun gifts for joining us and we will get your kids checked into the Galaxy!
When you register your child, we will print a few tags for you. One is your parent pick up tag. This is for you to keep during service and to pick up your child when service is over. It will have your last name on it and a 4-digit code. Each of your children will receive a name tag. This tag will include your child’s name, any allergy information/special instructions, and the 4-digit code that matches the parents’ code.
You must present your tag to pick up your child at the end of service. This protects you and your child by ensuring that no one else can pick up your child while you attend service. If you lose your tag, you will be required to show photo identification to pick up your child.
There is a 4-digit code on the pick-up tag you will receive at check in. If we need you for any reason, this code will appear on a screen in the worship center. If you see your code, return to the Galaxy and a member from the New Life Security Team will assist you.
The Galaxy doors open 15 minutes before each service and close 15 minutes after service begins.
The Galaxy provides full kid’s ministry to newborns-5th grade during the Saturday 6:30PM service and the Sunday 10:30AM service. Childcare for children ages 0-3 is available during the Sunday 8:30AM service.
We think it’s so important for families to worship Jesus together and we want elementary kids to experience the adult worship service a few times a year! On months with 5 weekends, kids ages 6 and up will go to service with their parents. The Galaxy is still open for childcare for kids 5 and under.
We use Orange Curriculum! Yellow is the church, red is the home, orange is what happens when we bring what we learn at church into our homes each week. This curriculum is used in all our environments from newborns-5th
Yes! We encourage you to download the Parent Cue app. This app is full of resources for parents to reinforce what your child learned at church, at home. There are conversation starters, activities to do with your kids, parenting blogs, and more!
Yes! The weekend’s message is on the Parent Cue app along with many other resources to have church at home!