Let’s get ready to serve! It’s time for cleaning New Life (inside and out!) We will be painting, pressure washing, weeding and other small projects. Join us any time April 12-18 between 8am-5pm. We’d love to have your help! Snacks, drinks and light lunch are provided. Feel free to bring extra shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, etc., to help the work go faster! This service opportunity is available for everyone ages 12 and up. To serve, sign up at newlifexn.org/serve. Questions? Contact Ken Nelson at ken@newlifexn.org.
Join us in spreading encouragement through New Life’s blessing boxes! If you’d like to serve on the packing team, sign up at newlifexn.org/serve. We’ll be preparing all the boxes for families to pick up. This is a great serve opportunity that runs for 2 hours on Friday, April 4 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm here at New Life.
Believer baptism will be celebrated Saturday, April 12 at the 6:30pm worship service. If you’d like to take a next step and be baptized, sign up at newlifexn.org/baptism. Plan to attend the Baptism Instruction on Saturday, April 5 following the 6:30pm worship service.
Registration is open for the 2025-2026 school year! You can find all the details about the year and register your child at newlifexn.org/preschool. Contact Kristen at kristen@newlifexn.org for questions or more info. We are offering one 3-year old class and two Pre-K classes.
Our Easter Offering of Compassion: Near & Far allows each and every one of us to share, grow, and live the new life of Jesus Christ with the world- one person at a time here, there, and everywhere. As we are filled with the hope of our Risen Savior this Easter season, let us share that hope with the people around us and around the world. Your gifts of generosity help us support local ministries like Life Choices, Fishbone, and Urban Impact, among others! Look for Compassion envelopes during worship in the chair pockets or at the offering boxes. You may also give online at newlifexn.org/give.
Are you looking to learn more about New Life? Join us at our next Info & Intros on April 13 from 11:45am to 12:15pm in the Living Room. This is an opportunity for you to meet us, learn a little more about what we do, and ask any questions you may have. If you have a friend who is new to the church, feel free to join them!
Join us on April 12 and serve with the New Life family to spread mulch. Lunch will be provided and then we’ll head to Three Rivers Paintball! This event costs $30, but you can purchase more paintballs. Drop off is at 9:00am. Go to newlifexn.org/register to sign up before April 10.
A Passover Seder is being celebrated in the Galaxy Worship Center on Thursday, April 10 at 7:00pm. A video teaching by a Jewish Christian will explain the tradition & symbols of the Passover Seder meal while we taste typical foods. Seating is limited, so registration is required. This event is for adults & kids 12-years & older. Click here to register.
Girls in grades 6-12, wear your most cozy jammies and get ready for a great night together at New Life hanging out on March 28-29! Bring a Bible (ask us if you need one!), a sleeping bag, and a pillow. Drop off is at 6pm on Friday and pick up is at noon on Saturday. Cost is only $15/student!
GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE: 6:30pm with childcare for ages 3 and under
Saturday, April 19 4:30pm & 6:30pm with NL Kids in The Galaxy
Sunday, April 20 9:00am & 10:30am with NL Kids in The Galaxy & Special Needs Ministry available at 10:30am
Sunday, April 20
Watch online at NEWLIFE.ONLINE
8:30am, 10:30am, 6:30pm and 8:30pm